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The strength of conviction and purpose that a young 21 year old once announced to the world bore the test of time when 75 years later she had served her country selflessly as Queen for 70 years.  Queen Elizabeth II’s compassion has inspired the world and we would like to find the most meaningful way to commemorate her “life well lived”.


Choirs across the world will sing songs in her honour.


Our simple plan is that you select a song already in your repertoire that would be an appropriate choice as a tribute and record it in any way you find convenient (even on a phone in a rehearsal).  Upload that video to your YouTube channel using this following hashtag as part of the title like this:

#SongForTheQueen – [Title of song] [Name of Choir] @MDBrunch 


If you don't have a YouTube channel here is a link to a simple way of setting one up. Create your own YouTube channel


MDBrunch will be frequently searching for that hashtag and all videos we find will be added to our commemorative YouTube playlist #OurQueen.  Thank you for being part of this sharing of love for this exceptional and iconic woman that will always be Queen Elizabeth II, our Queen.


The playlist will be hosted on our YouTube channel and available on


The #OurQueen playlist will be created from videos shared between the 20th and 30th of September following the 10 days of mourning as 10 days to celebrate her life.


Important Information:

  • Don’t have a YouTube channel?  Follow this link to a guide on how to create your own or contact us on email and we will assist you.

  • Share and promote your own video.

  • MDBrunch is not funding the making of any of these videos or making any income from the playlist. 


And here are some things we suggest you could put in your YouTube video description:

  • Where your choir is based, what kind of repertoire you normally sing; so people can see how widespread the love is and the different types of people that have come together at this time

  • The name of the composer and arranger and any live musicians in your video; let’s make sure these lovely people are credited; don’t forget your conductor and assist leaders!

  • How about a brief outline of why the song is meaningful to the choir and why you picked it as your tribute

  • Stories or anecdotes of when members of the choir met the Queen

  • Do please tag MDBrunch so that we can show our reach to grow and support more choirs through projects like this

  • DO NOT include phone numbers, addresses of rehearsal venues or any other personal contact details.

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