Invigorate your choir by injecting your sessions with something completely different!!
Have a Partner MD come along and inspire your gang then you go and inspire theirs!
Zoom rehearsals are going to be the order of the day for the time being, and while members might be suffering from ‘Zoom fatigue’, we’ve got a wonderful way to keep things fresh and your singers wanting to keep coming to choir.
By signing up for an MDSwap, you can find another MD that you can swap with for a choir session that suits you.
How can I make MDSwap work for me?
The great thing about MDSwap is that there are no rules!
However, here are some ways that you can make it work for you:
The swap can be as long or as short as you like. We suggest 20 minutes but you choose whatever suits your choir
The swap can focus on any aspect of singing. It could be a warm up session, a technique focus or a chance for your choir to learn a new song
You can find an MD that runs a similar choir to yours or go for something a bit different to give your singers a taste of a new style of music
It can be a one off session or you could build in regular slot to swap
How do I find someone to swap with?
Fill out the form below to be added to the list of MDs keen to “MDSwap”. This list will create a spreadsheet that you can then view and choose a style of MD that suits you. Discuss your plan for the session together then sit back and learn from each other while skilling up your choir with some new tricks!!
You don't have to wait for anyone or be managed; you just communicate directly yourself. Everyone on the list will be in the MDBrunch Facebook group, so you can find them yourself in the members list.
If you do need help or want someone to connect you, get in touch with us at mdbrunchuk@gmail.com.
REMEMBER TO POST AND TAG as much of the content that you can record from the #MDSwap. We will then share, support and publicise your fantastic work!!
MDBrunch and Project Get Singing are here for you. Please stay in touch with all our activities:
The Team - Sam, Mel, Marta, Ben, Phil, Nav, Lizzy, Angela & Louise
#MDBrunchUK #ProjectGetSinging #MDSwap